Please continue with these articles! They are hugely informative, even if the code itself is slow to evolve. The real value here is the exploration of thoughts and ideas you have that guide each small code change, and I believe that there's not nearly enough writing, either online or in books, on such topics.

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Thanks Craig -- much appreciated.

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I'm voting in favor of continuing with this series and this kata. Starting something else would be a distraction at this point. There is a lot of value in the previous articles you shared.

I do get your concern of "it shows no sign of finishing soon" with the current speed. Therefore, my suggestion would be to NOT try out all of the things we listed. Only try a few, to "speed up" the progression. It's like when we are ensemble programming and many ideas are suggested, then we are paralyzed because we don't know which direction to take: pick one, go with that and we'll see later if it wasn't a good direction.

Another suggestion would be to reduce the scope, aim for a closer goal. When will you consider this kata to be done? Maybe you could lower the bar and only aim for supporting N scenarios. So it won't take forever to be "done" and then you can close this series and start another on another kata.

Well, at the end of the day, you are the writer and the one spending 2h / week writing these blog posts. It should feel relevant and useful for you. So take my suggestions with a grain of salt and do what you feel like doing 😉

All the best Kevin!

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Thanks very much for your feedback Nicolas -- much appreciated.

I like the idea of no following every branch I discover .. because discovering so much while writing can be exhausting :-)

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